Create a Safe Workplace with Facial Recognition Software
Singapore happens to be one of the first country to use facial verification in national identity schemes. The facial recognition technology leverages biometrics to map facial features to verify an individual’s identity. Furthermore, it enables secure access to both private and government services. A facial recognition system is a face-scanning mechanism that scans and captures […]

Why Should You Invest in Automated Timesheet Management?
Timesheet management is an essential part of any business operation. Without managing time, business procedures can get quite awry. Multiple business enterprises rely on timesheet papers for this purpose. However, manual entries lead to unnecessary delays, as well as increase the chance of errors. The entire process can be quite burdensome for the HR team […]

3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Time and Attendance Software
If you are unsure as to how to choose a suitable time and attendance software for your company, make sure you ask these three questions before making the final decision: 1. Will the software offer flexibility to cater to the different needs of my organisation? All the businesses may appear the same from the outside. […]

Need of Automated Timesheet Management Software
One must realize that manual time tracking can indeed prove to be a hefty affair for your business. It leads to unnecessary payroll and leaves calculation complications, thereby increasing the burden on your payroll and HR staff. There can be compliance issues as well as instances of inaccuracies. Do you want an effective and swift […]

Time and Attendance Software: Important Features to Consider
Time tracking and attendance management is a crucial HR function for any organisation. It provides valuable insights to aid in employee absence tracking, creating productivity work plans and managing payroll. However, manual processes that include bulk paperwork or maintaining spreadsheets may be cumbersome and prone to errors. This is where advanced time and attendance software […]

How to Implement a Timesheet System in 5 Steps
Are you still tracking time through conventional manual process? Relying too much on cumbersome paper documentation and Excel reports to track employee work time and assets. Well, you are not alone. Manual time tracking methods make payroll pointlessly complex and may be costing your business more than you could imagine. The need of the hour […]

What is Timesheet Automation and Why Does it Matter for Small Businesses
Timesheet automation can help improve operational efficiency and speed up time to increase ROI by streamlining the process of capturing employee time worked on any project or device. Automating the process can accelerate timesheet management and completion, helping the right data to reach the right people at the right time. Intuitive and feature-rich timesheet automation […]

Why Modern Timesheet App is Crucial for Every Company?
Timesheet is regarded as one of the most integral business functions – it allows you to track employee performance; provides in-depth insight on employee efficiency and department-wise manpower requirements; helps streamline the entire workflow. Overall, timesheet management helps organisations maximise productivity and reduce waste. However, using a traditional timesheet is time-consuming and complex, scouring through […]

Top 4 Features to Look for in Timesheet Management System
Time tracking and attendance management is an integral HR function, and cumbersome too. An automated and intuitive timesheet management system enables organisations to identify employee working trends, retrieve actionable insights, increase productivity and reduce overwork. Go paperless, automate time tracking and improve operational efficiency with TimeCentral timesheet management system. Here are the top 4 features […]

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Timesheet Management
For small businesses, investing in a timesheet management system may not be a top priority when it comes to maximising their revenues. Discussed here are 5 things you didn’t know about timesheet management that will convince you to upgrade to an automated system like TimeCentral. 1. It’s easier to get started than you thought! When […]