4 Reasons Why Your Organisation Needs an Attendance Management System

Are you struggling with a bunch of papers that have your employees’ attendance logs? Do you have unsatisfied employees trying to manage payroll errors? If yes, then it’s time to switch to a robust attendance management system. Gone are the days when HR managers had to deal with cumbersome manual processes that were also error-prone […]

Workforce Digitalisation – Technologies Transforming Businesses

Technology advancements in the modern workplace have been remarkable over the past decade. This has enabled organisations to switch their operations from a traditional analogue system to a more sophisticated digital workplace that helps build a collaborative and productive environment for employees. Workforce digitalisation is an effective way to eliminate information silos and facilitate seamless […]

Advantages of Scheduling System

For any business, some of the major challenges include maximising operational efficiency, minimising costs and improving the bottom line. And a feature-rich, intuitive and AI-enabled scheduling system such as TimeCentral can help efficiently manage all loose ends. Discussed here are the primary reasons why businesses should invest in a robust scheduling system, especially amid uncertain […]

5 Things That Can Go Wrong Without Proper Mobile Workforce Management

Mobile workforce management is getting very popular among start-ups nowadays. Proper mobile workforce management can ensure the maximum profit for your company. But maintaining a fully equipped and adequately functioning mobile workforce comes with its challenges. Fortunately, TimeCentral’s expert advice can never let you down.  Now, let us analyse what difficulties you may face without […]

Should You Invest in an Attendance Management System?

If you are worried and finding an ideal solution for managing your attendance and work shifts, get an attendance management system immediately. TimeCentral provides excellent attendance management software along with its hardware and mobile app. Keep reading to discover more about this attendance management system.  All About Attendance Management System The method of keeping track […]

A Safe Entry to Workplace with Facial Recognition Attendance Software

Every organisation should have an efficient employee attendance tracking system. This helps in effective task and project management. Also, the exact time and attendance details of employees will smoothen up the payroll payout system. In accordance with the latest technology, multiple organisations are now opting for facial recognition software to track their employees’ attendance details. Doesn’t that […]

5 Popular Uses of Face Recognition Technology

The face recognition system has been around since the 1960s. It is actually a reality and has been in prolific usage for the last few decades. For example, the iPhone X has given lakhs of people access to facial recognition technology to protect their personal details. There are several other ways in which facial recognition technology has […]

AI Temperature Screening Aids Businesses Amid Pandemic

As businesses and schools are reopening worldwide post the COVID-19 pandemic,  Singapore government has made Tracetogether scanning mandatory for each individual at public places and workplaces. After Singapore Government officially raised its ‘Disease Outbreak Response System Condition’ (DORSCON) alert level from yellow to orange in 2020 due to COVID-19 spread, a temperature monitoring system became compulsory at […]

Is Your Business Ready for Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence has become one of the most important technological advancements in business in recent years. The research by BCG and MIT Sloan Management Review was held to demystify the use of AI technology. The report was based on global research of more than 30,000 executives and had held an in-depth interview with more than […]

5 Game-Changing Features of Attendance Management Software

According to recent research, the biometrics method has embraced the financial, technology and government sectors, followed by the workplace, healthcare, recreation and education centres. A biometric attendance system is significant for creating a digitally sufficient work environment along with visibility on employee movements. Moreover, it makes the audit process easier by keeping track of the details.   Do […]

Empower Your Team, Save Your Time

Experience seamless attendance tracking and scheduling with real-time accuracy and mobile convenience.