RRT refers to Rostered Routine Testing where individuals will undergo swabbing on a routine basis, e.g. every 7 days. There are 2 types of RRT – Fast and Easy Testing (FET) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). FET is currently conducted by Antigen Rapid Test (ART) using ART kits. This can be done via self-swabbing using ART kits under the supervision of an appointed and trained staff in your firm, or at Quick Test Centres (QTC). A PCR swab test is a more accurate, confirmatory test where the individual will be swabbed by clinicians/trained swabbers.
Yes, this is a compulsory exercise for the cleaners and workers of the selected groups in high-risk settings (refer to “Mandatory Fast and Easy Testing Rostered-Routine Testing (FET-RRT)” section), regardless whether they have been vaccinated or not. This is because vaccinated individuals may still contract COVID-19 or transmit the infection to others. Staff in other high-risk work settings e.g. F&B outlets, are also required to undergo FET-RRT under other sector leads.
FET-RRT is mandatory for staff working in certain high-risk settings and is administered by various Sector Leads depending on the work premises. A company may have workers undergoing FET-RRT under different Sector Leads due to the different work settings.
Under NEA, the mandatory FET-RRT regimes are administered only for individuals/staff working in the following work settings
(a) Markets and Hawker Centres – all stallholders, stall assistants, and cleaners in the 113 markets and hawker centres managed by NEA/NEA-appointed operators/Town Councils.
(b) Disinfection Companies listed on NEA’s website – Disinfection workers who perform/are trained to perform disinfection services at non-healthcare premises that have been exposed to confirmed case(s) of COVID-19.
(c) Retail Malls – Cleaners deployed to work at common areas of retail malls. “Retail malls” also include mixed-use developments and HDB shopping centres. The list of retail malls is identified together with ESG, STB and HDB.
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