Despite the ongoing threat of COVID-19, businesses are getting back to the “new normal,” while ensuring improved safety for all. In this perspective, TimeCentral introduced an automated, contactless temperature screening system to help businesses open sooner with a focus on public confidence and safety.
Here are 5 ways our temperature monitoring system can benefit your office:
1. Body Temperature Screening in Real-Time
Identify whether a person entering your office premises is at high risk of being affected by COVID-19. And body temperature monitoring is one of the ideal ways to identify the risk factor. TimeCentral temperature screening technology can record body temperature in real-time and send instant notifications to the HR & Operation teams when high temperatures are detected.
2. Easy-to-Use and Intuitive
Advanced temperature screening systems are smart and intuitive with contact-less, automated functions that make the entire process a breeze. With our smart temperature screening solution, all-temperature recordings are stored directly on the cloud for easy and quick access anytime. We also allow you to set the temperature mode and high-temperature threshold based on your region for accurate tracking.
3. Ensure Safety for All
Safety and wellbeing in a post-lockdown workplace should be the foremost priority for all businesses. Incorporating our cutting-edge temperature monitoring technology is a smart way to build more confidence in your people and boost their morale. When you screen temperatures of all people entering the premises with our intuitive solution, it ensures peace of mind knowing the workplace is potentially safe from coronavirus.
4. An Integrated System
For an all-around experience, our temperature monitoring system comes with built-in facial biometric attendance, TraceTogether scanning, cloud storage, AI-based alerts and much more – an all-in-one platform to ensure improved safety and contactless operations.
5. Biometric Attendance System
TimeCentral temperature screening system is an innovative technology, combining 1-second facial recognition for contact-less attendance management.
More and more businesses are embracing temperature screening technology to provide a safer and healthier workplace for all – an effective way to address the current health crisis. TimeCentral takes workplace safety a step further with a smart and automated temperature screening and face recognition solution.